Tue, 03/02/2015 - 09:53
Here you can find all the publications funded by the project. Remember that copyright is from the magazine and you can only use these papers for personal use.
- Carmen Herrero and Antonio García-Olivares. Non-linear analysis methods applied to observational and simulated climatic time series. Proceedings ITISE 2014. International work-conference On Time Series. Granada 25-27 June, 2014. Editors: Ignacio Rojas Ruiz and Gonzalo Ruiz Garcia. Volume 2, p1068-1080. Deposito Legal: Gr-1193/2014. I.S.B.N: 978‐84‐15814‐97‐4
- De La Fuente P, Marrasé C, Canepa A, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Gasser M, Fajar NM, Romera-Castillo C, Pelegrí JL, 2014. Does a general relationship exist between dissolved organic matter and microbial respiration? – The case of the dark equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research I, 89, 44-55.
- C. Herrero, A. Garcia-Olivares and J. L. Pelegrí. Impact of the anthropogenic CO2 on the next glacial cycle. Climatic Change, 122:283–298 January 2014 doi:10.1007/s10584-013-1012-0
- A. Garcia-Olivares and C. Herrero. Simulation of glacial-interglacial cycles by simple relaxation models: consistency with observational results. Clim. Dyn., 41:1307–1331 September 2013 doi: 10.1007/s00382-012-1614-7.PDF
- Pelegrí, J.L., P. De La Fuente, R. Olivella, and A. García-Olivares, 2013. Global constraints on net primary production and inorganic carbon supply during glacial and interglacial cycles. Paleoceanography, 28, doi:10.1002/2012PA002419.
- Castellanos P., Pelegrí J.L., Benazzouz A., 2013. Wind-driven surface circulation in the Cape Blanc region. Continental Shelf Research, 60, 87-103.
- Pastor M.V, Palter J.B, Pelegrí J.L., Dunne J.P., 2013. Physical drivers of interannual chlorophyll variability in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 118, 3871-3886.
- Rosell-Fieschi M., Rintoul S., Gourrion J., Pelegrí J.L., 2013. Tasman leakage of intermediate waters as inferred from Argo floats. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 5456-5450.
- Claret M, Rodríguez R, Pelegrí JL. 2012. Salinity intrusion and convective mixing in the Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent. Scientia Marina 76S1, 117-129. PDF
- Mason E, Colas F, Pelegrí JL. 2012. Origin and fate of upwelled waters in the Canary coastal transition zone. Scientia Marina 76S1, 79-94. PDF
- Peña J, Pelegrí JL, Pastor MV, Castellanos P, Emelianov M, Salvador J, Vázquez-Domínguez E, 2012. The continental slope current system between Cape Verde and the Canary Islands. Scientia Marina 76S1, 65-78. PDF
- San Antolín MA, Pelegrí JL, Machín FJ, Benítez VM, 2012. Inter-decadal changes in stratification and double diffusion in a transatlantic section along 7.5ºN. Scientia Marina 76S1, 189-207. PDF
- García-Olivares A, Herrero C, 2012. Fitting the last Pleistocene delta O-18 and CO2 time-series with simple box models. Scientia Marina 76S1, 209-218. doi: 10.3989/scimar.03617.19H PDF
Also you can see some thesis related to TicMoc project:
- Pedro Llanillo: " Water mass variability in the eastern South Pacific and the ventilation of the oxygen minimum zone" (2014).
- Miquel Rosell Fieschi: "Ocean velocities as inferred from Argo floats: Methodology and applications" (2014).
- Paola Castellanos Ossa: "Wind-driven currents in the coastal and equatorial upwelling regions" (2012). PDF
- Mariona Claret Cortès: "Potential vorticity conserving flows and vortex-wave interaction: The role of vertical velocity and isopycnal diffusion on plankton heterogeneity" (2012).