Comunicats de premsa
The TIC-MOC team will fly the 3th of March to Ushuaia (Argentine) to get on board of V/O Hespérides. You can know all the news about the cruise if you visit our BLOG!
ASLO returns to Europe for the 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting on 22-27 February 2015 at the Granada Congress and Exhibition Centre (Granada, Spain). More Information:
This week, the third Barcelona Ocean Course, "An introduction to mathematical models in biology using Matlab", is teaching by an other member of the TIC-MOC group, Marc Gasser.
Josep Lluis Pelegrí imparted the first Barcelona Ocean Course named " Scientific Writing". It was a sucess! Congratulations!
During 2015, Barcelona Ocean offers a list of scientific courses of the highest level. The courses will be held in the Institute of Marine Science, Barcelona. For more information visit: